I am excited to be writing this blog to announce the launch of my brand
Emma Arakelyan, dedicated to promoting a lifestyle based on The Business Caring
Formula. You will be able to learn more about it here, on my blog, and in my upcoming
book The Business Caring Formula: Building Your New Leadership Lifestyle.
Multimedia Content to Make You the Caring Leader for Positive Impact in All that
You Do
Recently, I decided to redirect my professional path by stepping into the role of
entrepreneur to spearhead a couple of ventures. The Business Caring Formula is one,
and it is dedicated to helping high school and college students, aspirational and
seasoned managers, entrepreneurs to become caring leaders who can drive success
for your organizations, others, and yourself. As part of my initiative, I will be rolling out
the podcast The Business Caring Formula, interviews with dynamic leaders from around
the world; How-to online videos to help you deal with the corporate stuff that is in the
way; and live coaching and master class events.
In brief, The Business Caring Formula = Business Family Builder + Change engine
(exceptions to the rules) + Responsible Leader + Inclusive Leader+ Passionate
Leader + Humorous Leader + Positive Leader.
You might be wondering why we need a caring formula specifically for business?
Answering that question begins by thinking about the following statistic for a moment:
two-thirds of the US population work for Fortune 500 companies, which represent $12
trillion in revenue in the U.S. alone ($890 billion in profits and a market value of $19
trillion.) 1 When we look at the impact of that number alone, it translates into a direct
effect on our lives, communities and society.
The fact is that the other third includes all other types of organizations, and when we
account for all of them, we realize that no matter which one you are in, you are
influenced by your work environment.
In other words, the largest social environment is where we work, and it has a profound
effect on our well-being and happiness. It is also where many people define their
“success.” This is an aspect that is especially important to understand how it affects
millennials and those even younger (generation Z), who generally don’t look at a job
simply as a title or an employment opportunity. Rather they – you – understand that by
spending so much time in the work environment, you are in fact being molded by the
corporate culture.
The purpose of The Business Caring Formula is to help you become not only a success
leader but one who can drive positive impact beyond the organization and his or herself.
I’m asking you to join me on this journey to success by using “caring” as main ingredient
to success.
You will learn:
1. How to be a Business Family Builder
2. How to Become the change engine to create exceptions to the rule that is
needed for real progress and success
3. How to develop yourself as a Responsible Leader
4. How to make sure you are an Inclusive Leader dedicated to building collaborative
and proactive teams
5. How to stay true to your mission and values by working as a Passionate Leader
6. How you can engage and empower others by being a Humorous Leader
7. Last but not least, how success and happiness can be yours as you take others
with you on your journey as a Positive Leader in the world of business.
“Fortune 500”
Emma is the CEO & Co-Founder of Orion Worldwide Innovation LLC, an Intellectual
Property hub that offers a full-service package to protect innovations. Its business
model includes assistance in obtaining IP protection and acquiring various types of
intellectual assets to extract commercial value.
Emma has long-standing experience as an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s
School of Professional Studies. She is developing NYU executive programs for global
Emma earned a Bachelor of Sciences in Economics from the Armenian State University
of Economics, and a Master’s Degree in Political Economy from the University of
Economics, Armenia.
Emma is fluent in English, Armenian, and Russian, and practices conversational
Spanish. She lives in New York City with her family.
1 “Fortune 500”