Europe Book Tour Stop 3: Amsterdam, Netherlands (3 Min Read)

Emma’s third stop of her Europe Book Tour was in Amsterdam, Netherlands. There, she participated in another event for the AGBU Young Professionals at the club Atelier Schinkel, where she spoke to 30+ talented professionals about taking on a leadership lifestyle at a young age and making a difference with The Business Caring Formula.

To reiterate, the message of The Business Caring Formula is to become a responsible leader by:

  • treating your workplace like they’re a part of your family
  • becoming the engine that drives change
  • being inclusive by engaging and empowering others
  • defining and following your passion
  • making humor a part of your lifestyle
  • driving positive impact

As part of her engagement with the professional community in Amsterdam about leadership, Emma explored the city. Understanding the culture that surrounds a city helped Emma to continue inspiring people. Emma visited the Art Museum in Amsterdam, where the exhibitions of both Rembrandt and Van Gogh were showcased. Interestingly, 2019 marks the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt’s death, which Amsterdam held tributes to. She also visited the Dutch countryside Zaans, known for its “Zaans green” color reflected in their architecture everywhere. The highlights of a city’s structure and tourist attractions highlighted the culture of the city in itself!

Emma expressed her special thanks to Haik Khanamiryan for planning the continuation of the AGBU Young professionals club event and allowing Emma to spread The Business Caring Formula message all across Europe. Emma “learned a lot about the passion and readiness of the Amsterdam community to make a difference and contribute to their definition of a society’s progress and well-being.” Emma had another special surprise from Tatevik Kian who collaborated with Haik and organize the display of Emma’s book at the entrance of the Phillips
Museum in Eindhoven, Netherlands! It was an honor to be presented at the museum, as to be reflected at the museum is quite remarkable.

AGBU has published its magazine highlighting Emma’s trip to Paris and Amsterdam. Check this link to the magazine which has been disseminated internationally. Please find on page 39 , 44 and 66 published about Emma’s Europe visit.

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