Europe Book Tour: Speaking at GORIZ Leadership Programme in Paris, France (February 9-10, 2019)

February 9, 2019 @ 8:30 am – February 10, 2019 @ 4:30 pm
Niccolas Tavitian

I will be a speaker at the GORIZ leadership 2-day programme which is scheduled to take place in Paris, France on February 9-10, 2019.

About the Programme
The Goriz leadership programme sponsored by AGBU ( aims to provide talented young Armenians with a professional-level leadership programme that will equip them to confront and transcend the challenges of their personal, professional, community and public lives. The participants will set off on a 6-months (part time) Leadership Development Journey. The journey will consist of lectures, experiential workshops and fun activities for social bonding. The cohort will be exposed to world-class leaders who are engaged with their Armenian Identity.

The programme will enable participants to unleash the full potential of their unique pallet of identities and to form a distinctive leadership style. The program will help participants to reflect on questions such as:
• How is my signature strength shaped?
• How does my personal and family history influence my sense of purpose?
• What drives my sense of duty and how do I take ownership?
• How can I benefit from networking and contributing a global community of professional Armenians?

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